Add Adsense Below Post Title of Mobile Blogger Templates
I've customized the
mobile view of OgbongeBlog in such a way that I now have an Adsense 320x50 mobile banner been displayed under post titles as well as an Adsense 250x250 ad unit been displayed at the end of each post on the mobile view.
Besides that, I created an extra section above the header region and right there, I can also add an Adsense mobile banner or a non-adsense 320x50 banner. In this tutorial, I'm sharing with you how to add Adsense ad inside blog posts of Blogger mobile templates, directly below post titles.
Just follow me through the steps.
==> Log in to
www.google.com/adsense to generate the Adsense code for the ad unit you want to add to the mobile view. eg 320x50 mobile banner.
Now, we need to parse the ad code.
==> Go to
==> Copy and paste your ad code inside the box and click the "
Encode" button
==> Copy and paste the code somewhere eg in a notepad
==> Ensure you have enabled
CUSTOM Blogger mobile template.
If not sure, login to your Blogger dashboard, go to "
Template". Under "
Mobile", select "Y
es. Show mobile template on mobile devices" and choose "
Custom" from the "choose mobile template" dropdown box and
save your settings.
==> Now, we need to find the code for the Blogger Mobile Template Post title so we can place the Adsense code directly below it.
==> So, back up your template and go to "
Template" > "
Edit HTML"
==> Click inside the HTML and use CTRL F to find the code below:
<b:includable id='mobile-post' var='post'>
==> Once you find the code, scroll down gently till you see the code below:
<div class='post-body entry-content'
expr:id='"post-body-" + data:post.id'
==> Paste your parsed Adsense code directly
below the code above.
Save your template.
View one of your blog posts on mobile view using default browser of your mobile device (NOT Opera Mini) and you should see the ad below the post title on POST pages (Not on the homepage).
You can place any ad code there be it AdDynamo, Infolink, media.net ad etc